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Sample / Library Preparation
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Across a wide range of sample types and analysis

What are the sample requirements?

In general, 2 aliquots in separate PCR plates: one for QC and one for library preparation. See more details

Note: all samples are required to meet strict quantity and quality thresholds. Samples outside of these thresholds may be able to be submitted/processed if agreed to prior by the centre.

Where do I send samples?

Samples or Libraries can be dropped off in person at SAHMRI or the Flinders Node, or sent by express post to either site. All samples or libraries need to be accompanied by either a completed Sample or Library Submission Form (sent via email AND in hardcopy). Tubes/plates should be labelled clearly with sample name (<10 characters and must only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and underscores (_), no spaces or other symbols), date and client name.


We recommend submitted samples in semi-skirted PCR plates with a plate seal that can be stored at -80°C (i.e. Bio-Rad Microseal “b” PCR Plate Sealing Film or equivalent).



NOTE: To drop off submissions at HMRB, please book a time using this link and meet in front of the building or in the foyer. (or contact Flinders Node Manager)



Address: SAHMRI Building, Level 5, Room 303, North Terrace, South Australia, 5000, Australia

Phone: +61 8 8128 4152



Address: SAHMRI Building, Level 5, Room 303, North Terrace, South Australia, 5000, Australia 

Attn: SAGC

Phone: +61 8 8128 4152 


Health and Medical Research Building (HMRB), Flinders University, Bedford Park, 5042, SA

Attn: SAGC 

Ph: +61 8 8432 4791 

What quality control is offered?
  • DNA or RNA quantification (Qubit)
  • gDNA, RNA and Library fragment analysis (TapeStation)


We can help with that too!

How will my data be shared? Data is shared via FileSender (AARNet), A URL link will be given in the sequencing report.
What format will my data be in? A Mac will decompress with a double click, Windows will show the option with a right click.  Unix command line :        tar -xvf [FileName].tar.gz
Can I use wget or curl commands to bulk download the data? Yes, the exact command can be found via the shared FileSender link.
How long will my download link be available? please download within 4 weeks of data being shared.

Sample Requirements by Service

Concentrations (measured by Qubit) listed below are the ideal ranges for both QC and library preparation. Lower concentrations are suitable, however these may impact our ability to QC samples prior to library preparation. Please contact us to discuss your specific input ranges.

Whole-Genome (WGS)

Submit 2 x gDNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 20 ng/µl in 10µl 

For Library Prep: 20 ng/µl in 50µl

Whole-Exome (WES)

Submit 2 x gDNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 20 ng/µl in 10 µl 

For Library Prep: 20 ng/µl in 50 µl

Enzymatic Methyl-Seq

Submit 2 x gDNA samples in 2 separate 96-well plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control.

For QC: 10 ng/µl in 10 µl

For Library Prep: 10 ng/µl in 50µl*

Single Cell RNA (scRNA-seq)

Submit Fresh Cells in sterile microcentrifuge tubes. Cell Submission ~ 1000 – 2000 cells/µl in PBS + 0.04% BSA. Please contact us for more information.

Client prepared libraries should be pooled and submitted in a single tube. A minimum of 10 nM in 100 µl of pooled library should be provided.

Spatial Transcriptomics

Fresh-Frozen or FFPE Tissues blocks. Please contact us for more information.

Submit Fresh/FFPE Tissue OR Pre-Stained/Imaged Tissues adhered to application specific slides. Please contact us for more information.

Client prepared libraries should be pooled and submitted in a single tube. Please contact us for more information on pooled library requirements.

We recommend following the specific manufacturer's recommendations. 

  • More information here from 10X Genomics
  • More information here from MGI

Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (ChIP-Seq)

Submit 2 x Chromatin Immunoprecipitated & Fragmented gDNA samples in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control.

For QC: 1-10 ng/µl in 10 µl

For Library Prep: 10 ng/µl in 30 µl

Small RNA (Small RNA-seq)

Submit 2 x TotalRNA or enriched SmallRNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control.

For QC: 25 ng/µl in 10 µl*

For Library Prep: 25 ng/µl in 30 µl*


Submit 2 x RNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plated (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control.

For QC: 30 ng/µl in 10 µl*

For Library Prep: 10 ng/µl in 100 µl

Total RNA

Submit 2 x Total RNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates (for library prep & QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 50 ng/µl in 10µl

For Library Prep: 50 ng/µl in 50µl*

Assay of Transposase Accessible Chromatin (ATAC-Seq)

Submit 2 x Digested gDNA samples in 2 separate 96-well semi-skirted PCR plates down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 10 ng/µl in 10 µl 

For Library Prep: 5 ng/µl in 10 µl


Submit 2 x gDNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well plates (for library prep and QC) down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 10 ng/µl in 10 µl 

For Library Prep: 20 ng/µl in 50 µl

Microbial Profiling (Microbiome)

Submit 2 x gDNA aliquots in 2 separate 96-well plates (For Library Prep and QC), down the plate rather than across the rows. Leave Position H12 blank for SAGC internal control. 

For QC: 10 ng/µl in 10 µl 

For Library Prep: 10 ng/µl in 20 µl 


Current Validated Primers:  

16S V1-V3 



16S V3-V4 



16S V4 






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