Frequently Asked Questions
How long is data stored?
For sequencing data (FASTQ data generated by/via SAGC):
- Your data is freely available to download up to 4 weeks on initially provided link.
- After 4 weeks and up to 6 months, we can re-upload data on request then data goes into cold storage for a further 3.5 years (total 4 years) cold storage data is available upon request, but will incur a service fee.
How is data transferred?
Currently majority of data is transferred via AARNET FileSender service (https://filesender.aarnet.edu.au/).
Other arrangements may be available upon request.
Interested in Bioinformatics Training?
SAGC and its partners can connect you with bioinformatics training and workshops. Email us if you are interested.
What if I want raw data from the HPC?
This would not be our preference, however for local SAHMRI users, there may be some exceptions.
Can I download my data from HPC?
This would not be our preference, however for local SAHMRI users, there may be some exceptions.