The SAGC offers both MGI and Illumina short-read NGS platforms – small, mid and high-throughput sequencers. This breadth of options enables us to better match to project requirements and gives our clients the most efficient and cost-effective sequencing options.
The SAGC is the Only Core Genomics Facility in Australia with both the MGI DNBSEQ-T7 and DNBSEQ-G400, covering a wide range of throughput from 200 million to 24 billion read pairs with cost effectiveness. The ultra high-speed T7 can run 1 to 4 flow cells independently (each generating up to 6 billion read pairs depending on library type). The mid-throughput DNBSEQ-G400 is capable of running 4 lanes independently.
Having this wide range of sequencers and more flexible formats reduces the need for pooling samples and improves turnaround time.
Sample throughput by Application Type for MGI DNBSEQ G400 and T7 Sequencers
Enabling Single Cell and Spatial Profiling from MGI
In addition to running any standard large genomics applications (i.e., WGS, WES, RNA-seq, single-cell), MGI sequencing is required for MGI spatial profiling (STOmics) and MGI single-cell libraries (C4).
How does MGI data compare with Illumina?
Many peer-reviewed bench-marking studies have been published comparing MGI sequencing across different applications with Illumina and other NGS platforms (see references below). The SAGC has performed its own head-to-head comparisons and made the following overall conclusions from these data sets:
Other Comparison Studies:
Touch base if you have questions or if you would like to book a free project consultation.
Why the SAGC?